H260-DC Series

H260-DC Series Overview
The H260-DC models use a 15 HP motor powering a 2” blade offered in semi-automatic and fully automatic versions. The H260A-DC automatic comes with our Cut Watcher® and powered Chip Auger features, items that are optional on many other models. The bar-feed on the automatic has a 48” stroke and multiple indexes, while a 120” bar-feed offered as an option. Both are servo-driven twin ball-screw bar-feeds. The automatic operates with a touch screen including a Job Library. Jobs are run in the order desired for multiple length and quantities and recalled at a later time to be run again.
Non-Miter Dual Column Saws

- Swing-Away Control Console w/ 7" Touch Screen
- 36" Roller Load Table w/ Filler Plates
- 24" Solid Discharge Table
- Vise - Full Stroking Main

- Smart Saw® Control Console w/ 9" Touch Screen
- Industrial IOT Ready - MTConnect Output
- 24" Solid Discharge Table
- Vise - Full Stroking Main & Feed