Made in the U.S.A.
Setting the standard with more patented innovations than any other band saw manufacturer in the world.
About UsReliable Service
HE&M Saw offers reliable service to keep your saw up and running while also offering preventative maintenance to prevent future problems.
See MoreTechnology Leader
For over 55 years HE&M Saw has been the leader in new band saw and material handling technology.
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Right Saw?
The “Saw Selector” can be used for a saw selection based on the type and shape of material most commonly cut, or the “Contact Us” can connect you with one of our trained sales staff for the selection of the best saw for your sawing application.

About HE&M Saw
HE&M Saws are in operation all over the world, where we are known for quality and durability and continue to lead the world in new saw technology. HE&M Saw manufactures more than 70 different models of production band saws for the metalworking industry. Our product line includes vertical, horizontal, plate and double column saws with capacities ranging from 12" x 12" to 60" x 60" machines, larger capacity saws can be built for your needs. Automatic material handling tables and other time-saving features are available as options.