WF1827 Series

WF1827 Series Overview
The WF1827 saw model is available in either semi-automatic or fully automatic versions. It uses a 10 HP motor and a 1½” blade and bi-directional vises are included which greatly reduces the chance for bundle straps or crooked materials hanging up on vises as the material advances through the saw during the cutting process. The blade cant is designed to facilitate smoother blade entry and exit and better blade-tooth loading while also aiding in relieving stresses in beams, reducing blade pinching problems. The automatic model comes standard with a multi-index 48” servo-drive twin ball-screw bar-feed.
Wide Flange/Bundle Saws

- Swing-Away Control Console w/ 7" Touch Screen
- 24" Roller Discharge Table
- Vise - Full Stroking Bi-Directional Main
- Adjustable Clamping Force

- Smart Saw® Control Console w/ 9" Touch Screen
- Industrial IOT Ready - MTConnect Output
- Arm Cant - 9.2° Permanent
- 24" Roller Discharge Table