H3236-DC Series

H3236-DC Series Overview
The H3236 is a true dual column saw with both semi-automatic and fully automatic versions available. Built rugged with heavy cutting in mind, and 20 HP blade motor, 2” wide blade, and 36” wide x 32” high capacity it can accommodate large material. Both versions are operated via a touch screen control. The Automatic version comes standard with a 48” bar-feed, chip auger system, and the Cut Watcher® feature. The automatic version includes a 48” stroke servo twin ball-crew bar-feed that provides multiple indexes and offers a 120” bar-feed as an option.
Non-Miter Dual Column Saws

- Swing-Away Control Console w/ 7" Touch Screen
- 24" Roller Discharge Table
- Vise - Full Stroking Main
- Adjustable Clamping Force

- Smart Saw® Control Console w/ 9" Touch Screen
- Industrial IOT Ready - MTConnect Output
- 24" Roller Discharge Table
- Vise - Full Stroking Main & Feed